

Do engineers working in Japan need to speak English?

No need.

Because there are still countless technologies in Japan.

Even if you don't rely on foreign technology or target foreign markets, there are plenty of resources available in Japan.

Do we need to reach out to overseas markets when we are not fully utilizing our domestic resources in Japan?

Is the use of English by Japanese engineers a cause of the decline in the level of technology in Japan?

I also think it is causing the inability to develop the domestic market.


Why do I have to explain to you in English to offer my technology to foreign engineers?

I will explain in Japanese. If you want to know my technical knowledge, please study Japanese.


I have strongly felt this way since I started working. It has continued until now. It is almost a disease.


I am welcome to share my skills and ideas with Japanese engineers.

However, I have my doubts about educating overseas engineers before I have worked through them.

As a result of continuing to be an engineer with such thoughts, I lost the awareness of improving my English skills.


I may be of the same mindset as the samurai of the Edo period.


I think this way of thinking is a bad way of thinking for engineers in general. I should modify my thinking.


Even recently, I often feel that the level of Japanese engineers is low.

It does not mean that the level in other countries is high. If I compare in my workplace, the level of Japanese engineers is very high. However, I feel they can still raise their level. They could be more excellent engineers.

This is not the time to be training overseas engineers.


What in the world should I do?


It may be some kind of conspiracy to force Japanese engineers to use English so much! 



This is a joke about me not improving my English.
Everyone should study English well.
